Monday, September 21, 2009

Technology & Mathematics

~Let us discuss first~

How is integrating technology into mathematics benefical?

Why is the use of technology essential and neccessary?

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of integrating technology into our everyday Mathematics class?

~Now, let us solve problems~

Solve for x: Manually

#1.) 6 - 3x = 21

#2.) x^2 = 4

#3.) x^2 - 4x + 4 = 0

Graph: Use a graphing calculator

#1.) y = x^2

#2.) y = (2-x)^2+4

#3.) y=44-x

Graph: Use Maple (computer graphing system)

#1.) x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1

#2.) x^2 + z^2 = 4

#3.) x^2 - y^2 - z^2 = 1

~Last but not least - let us have FUN with Mathematics~


  1. I think that integrating technology into the mathematics classroom is extremely beneficial for students because it can embrace different learning styles. I am a person who often needs to be shown how to do a math problem; reading the textbook is simply not enough for me. Outside of classroom, it can be difficult to understand a problem, even if an example was provided in class. The use of technology, such as podcasts and youtube videos, to visually demonstrate how to work out and solve a problem would be extremely helpful to visual learners like myself! When a student is at home, working on an assignment, they can easily go online and watch a video demonstration to refresh their memory. Also, for students who do not enjoy math, integrating technology can help make the study of mathematics fun!

  2. I agree that integrating technology in mathematics would be fun! When I was in school we did pencil/paper work exclusively. It was often times boring. Plus, all of the worksheets and book problems were the same, so even if you were at a slightly different level than others, everyone did the same work. I know there are math websites which automatically adjust to students' levels.

  3. I really enjoyed the websites posted; funschool and math playground. I found them fun and useful. I can't wait to have fun in mathematics within the confines of my classroom! The game platforms and ideas are endless. Thanks for great "delicious" sites!

  4. I really think that integrating technology into math classes is necessary, but I think teachers have to be careful to not let students get lost in the technology, but to keep them on task and focused on the material that the technology aids in teaching.

  5. I agree with everything that has been said. Integrating technology into a math classroom is extremely important. It has many advantages, for one, poeple can see that math is way more than numbers and cna become interested in it. Another advantage is that it helps studnets who are struggling by providing different help from online sources.

  6. As a person that hates math I think that integrating tech in the lesson is very important. I think that It allows students to learn in a more fun way. Also, math can be boring for many, well for me, so having other resources that help me grasp the math concepts is extremely helpful.
